So once again I'll be bragging about my kick ass husband. I turn 30 this year and the only thing I wanted was a night in a hotel, some shopping, and a pedicure. He was totally fine with this. My friend Erin also turned 30 this year, so we celebrated by getting separate hotel rooms so we could sleep in and not disturb each other. We order room service, stayed in our pj's, read magazines, talked, and had breakfast the next morning before heading home. (This was back in November.)It was a perfect gift and I felt so lucky to have a husband understand how important that night was to me. Little did I know that wasn't all he planned for my big 3-0.
Erin and Nina decided we should have a girls day to not only celebrate my birthday, but to be able to have adult time without any kiddies running around. We decided on lunch, some shopping, and ending it with a pedicure.
We had lunch at Chipolte (my choice:)), did a little shopping, then headed to the spa. Next door from the spa was a "Nothing Bundt Cakes" store so the girls grabbed desserts for our pedis.
Erin and Nina with their drinks and bundt cakes. |
I was taste testing both of theirs. |
Erin said she needed to get home and Nina (who was driving me so John could have the car with Jude for the afternoon) asked if we could stop at Nordstrom's Rack before bringing me home. It sounded totally fine so we headed that way and we ended up trying on all kinds of clothes and making our purchases.
When we pulled up to the house Nina asked if she could use the bathroom and we headed in. John was at the door and I saw some "Happy Birthday" balloons, which seemed really weird to me. He said Erin brought them over and I assumed it was from our "birthday" day. I asked where Jude was and he pointed towards the kitchen. When I walked into the kitchen alot of my friends and their kids were in there yelling "SURPRISE!!!"
I was absolutely speechless. It took me a minute for it all to sink in. Once I was able to lift out of my fog and realize this was reality, everyone started talking and telling me how John had been planning this since September and they all wanted to know if I was surprised. Uh, YEAH! I never had the slightest clue of what was going on. Everyone had brought food and drinks. John had told me that morning he was making a chili to freeze, so I didn't think it was weird he was cooking. Someone brought brie, dips, another white chili. John had bought the makings for smores to make using our fire pit outside. He ended the night by coming out with a m&m blizzard ice cream cake. Does this man know me or what?
My balloons |
My oh so delicious cake. |
Baby bump in the background. |
Me and Erin celebrating. This girl did so well keeping all of her lies straight!!! Haha! |
Everyone brought gifts, which was way too kind. Them just being there was gift enough for me. I got a few gift cards, a beautiful orchid, bath stuff, and this awesomely warm, fuzzy scarf.
Sabina took a few of these pictures at the party, but here's one she got of my sweet baby.
*heart melting* |
It ended up being the most perfect night, surrounded by my Jude, my friends, and my husband who obviously adores me. After everyone left, I looked at him in disbelief and he said "You only turn 30 once.":) Love, love, love that man.
How far along: 19 Weeks. Geez, this pregnancy is flying by.
Total weight gain: 1.5lbs
Maternity clothes: Yep. I'm in maternity clothes with a few shirt exceptions.
Sleep: I have a head cold today that's been brewing, so I haven't slept much the past couple of nights.
Best Moment this week: My surprise party!!!
Movement: Yes. This baby is moving around like crazy now.
Gender: Won't know for another 21 weeks!
Labor signs: Hopefully not for another 21 weeks.
Belly button: In
Cravings: Eh.
What I miss: I'm already mourning my one-on-one time with Jude. Love this boy.
Stretch Marks: None.
What baby is up to: Hanging out. Growing. Moving.
What I am looking forward to this week: This week is going to be hanging out and play dates.
19 Weeks |