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Sunday, June 6, 2010

John's Birthday and First Day of School

Today is John's birthday and it's also his first day of school. We drove to West Virginia yesterday and had a great dinner at an Italian restaurant. This morning I went pick up Cracker Barrel breakfast for him. There wasn't alot of breakfast options and we had to leave by 8:30am, which is why I picked it up. He looked amazing in his suit! I had another 7 hours of driving ahead of me, so I stayed in my p.j.'s without makeup. He is at school now and is settled in. We thought he would have internet access but it looks like it will be very limited so I'll try to keep everyone updated.
I hope you had a great day, honey, and I already can't wait to see you! Love you!

1 comment:

Laurie said...

Happy Birthday, John!