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Thursday, August 5, 2010

Summer 2010

I have had the most amazing summer so far!! I spent a month in Lafayette and decided to post of pictures of my time there.
Riley and I just hanging out.
Antler's smothered chicken. I ate there at least twice a week. They have the best food!

Katie and I met my Pa-b and Ruth for lunch at Antler's. It was so good hanging out with my grandpa. He enjoys Antler's lunch as much as I do. It's always a good time with some good food!

My Kare Bear and I met up in Baton Rouge for some retail therapy!! We ate lunch at the Cheesecake Factory and just enjoyed each other's company. I miss her already!!!

Some of my cousins met for dinner one night. I have a trillion cousins so it's always so good to see them and spend time together.

My dad and I had some quality time while I was down there.

Riley and I shared a bed.

A bunch of my girl cousins had a girls night at a place called "Painting with a Twist". We all brought our own wine, painted, and talked. It was alot of fun!

Last dinner with my family.

Sunrise as I was making my way home to Indy

This summer has been a dream come true for me in many ways. Being able to spend so much quality time with my family has been amazing. Going home for a week at a time just isn't long enough so this was so great. Also, everyone got to finally meet Riley. My adventure still isn't over. I quit my job yesterday so I'll be spending the next 2 and a half months between Washington D.C., where my mom and Keith live, which is also conviently 20 miles from John, Indy and Sacramento. I'll keep everyone updated on my travels!!!!

1 comment:

Linda said...

We miss you so much!