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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

My body hurts

All of you (by now) know that I have spent the last 3 and 1/2 months traveling, eating, napping, and relaxing. Riley and I have, what it seems, been on the go forever. But, my sweet friends, that hasn't always been the case. Alot of people keep telling me how lucky I am and how its such a great experience, which it is, but like everything, there's a couple of negatives. With that being said, the negatives certainly do not out-weigh the positives.

We drove 14 hours to Charleston then spent an awesome month with mom. Then we drove 15 hours to Lafayette and had a fantastic month with my family. From there we drove 14 hours to Indianapolis for a week. After that, the Brays and I drove 10 hours to DC to see John. That's when they took Riley home with them. Less than 2 weeks later I was on a plane flying back to Indy to hang out with my child, whom I have missed more than I ever thought possible. My side kick was happy to have his momma home. Anyway, a week and a half later I was on another plane back to DC. In a week and a half from today I will be on yet another plane back to Indy to see Riley, repack, and check my mail. 2 days later I will be on another plane to Louisiana to see my family for another week. Oct. 5 I will leave LA and fly back to DC for the rest of October. Well, that's what I thought until I realized the movers want to check our house out before they come pack so I may be flying back to Indy for a few days then back to DC.

Are you kidding me?

And yes, I'm serious.

My poor dog doesn't have any clue what's going on anymore. It seems like a crazy summer right? But here's the crazy part. The part that barely makes sense to me.

I'm a little bored. Between all of the traveling there's alot of empty time. There's a whole lotta sittin around, eating, naps every day, and that's about it. I know it seems so great to alot of people, but after a few months it gets a little old. I kinda wish I would have gone back to work, even if it was only for a month. However, with that being said, I wouldn't change it. I know what a huge support system I am for John and I know it means so much to him that I am here in DC. For example, next week is his firearms qualifications and I'm going to drive the half hour to see him that night to celebrate (let's hope). Either way, I get to be there to support him. I am the only wife in his class who has this luxury and I want to make the most out of it. Also, with us moving so far I'm so happy I get to spend the time with my mom and Keith, then the Oge's in Lafayette.

Before I came to DC this time, I wanted something to look forward to. I decided to join a yoga class that is 5 minutes away. I'm not kidding. Literally, I get in the car and 5 minutes later I'm getting out of the car. They have a bundled package at a great price for 10 classes. This past Saturday was my first class at 7:45am and it was amazing. Monday night I had a "Hot Yoga" class that kicked my butt. The temperature was set at a balmy 95 degrees. The heat is supposed to make you more limber so you have a better stretch. Y'all! I'm not even kidding when I say I STOOD ON MY FRICKIN HEAD! That class was a doozy. Today, I'm dying. My arms, legs, abs, back, and sides are killing me. Tomorrow I have a class at 9:30am called "My body doesn't bend that way". We'll have to see because I'm not too sure my body will be able to move any way by tomorrow.

Besides being so sore today, I'm really enjoying it. I have alot of time to sit and think and worry about our future so it's really nice to turn off my phone and the worrywart in my head. I feel really relaxed afterwards. Even as sore as I am right now (and as late as it is) I am really looking forward to my class tomorrow. Well, it's almost midnight and my alarm will be sounding that annoying beep beep beep in less than 9 hours so I better head off to bed. Lata playa.

P.S. Tomorrow is 6 weeks until John graduates!! We are SO ready!!

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