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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

2 Weeks Old

Can you believe it? Where has the time gone? I have a feeling I'm going to be asking that question a million times throughout the rest of my life. We are all doing well over here. A little sleep deprived, but that's to be expected. We mostly have good nights where he wakes up twice to eat, then usually goes back to sleep. However, there are those other kind of nights too where I want to put my Facebook status as "Sleep? What's that?". Jude is pretty much on a feeding schedule as well, which is nice. We can somewhat plan around that. All 3 of us took a trip to Target today and Jude was so good until John decided he needed to go to the bathroom and of course Jude cried the whole time he was gone. Otherwise, it was a good outing. I'm still very nervous to go out with him by myself, but I'm sure I'll get over that one day.

Anyway, things are good over here in CA. I'm excited for everyone to meet him one day. He's a cool kid and we just love him so much. :)


Laurie said...

He has already changed so much! I miss him....

Michelle Claire said...

We miss you too...

Christine said...

What a cutie! Can't wait to meet him.