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Friday, January 27, 2012

Our New House!

I just put Jude down for a nap so I was able to get these up today. :) Be prepared, alot of these pictures have some boxes or things we haven't moved back into the garage yet. It's coming along, slowly but surely.

Office. It is considered the "formal living room", but we decided we wanted the office here. Riley loves his new window!


Foyer. The front door is on the right.


Kitchen again. Oops.

I made that curtain thankyouverymuch.

Pantry and view into dining room and living room.

Living room

I love the windows to the backyard. It's completely private so we don't have anyone who can see into our house. Plus Jude loves to be in his jumperoo and look outside.

Master tub. So very nice!

Master bath

Our bedroom. The curtains are short because the landlord didn't want us to take down the blinds so I have to put the rod up higher. I'm searching for longer, cuter curtains now.

Jude's room. So NOT finished. Originally his bed was going to be on the other side, which is why his name isn't correct.  Also, the pile of clothes on the floor no longer fits him and needs to go into the container outside.



Laurie said...


Christine said...

Very nice!!

Megs said...

you did a great job on the curtains- you should go ahead and make some for your bedroom instead of buying them!:)