Jude and I had a fabulous time in Lafayette! John had to work out of town last week so I decided we were going to LA to visit my family. Even though I was so anxious, the airplane rides were fantastic. He slept through most of them and just sat in my lap during the other times. Jude met so many people! I forget how big my family is because I'm so used to it, but watching all the different people holding him has made me realize how big it actually is. I love my family and I wished we lived in Louisiana and this trip didn't make it easy to leave, that's for sure!
Jude and Uncle Zack. I can't believe he graduates in May! |
Jude and Aunt Katie watching tv together. She was so wonderful with him. :) |
Jude and Nanny Barbara. I was right, she's the perfect Godmother for him. I love you Aunt Barbara! |
Jude and Aunt Kare Bear. Karie and I met when we were 12 and have been friends ever since. I can't believe we're at the point in our lives where we have families. I had a great lunch date with you, Kare Bear! |
Jude and Annie. I'm happy you were able to come over and visit! |
Jude and Poppa. I don't have a picture of Jude and Nana. I forgot to takes lots of pictures, some of these I borrowed from other people. Jude, Nana, and Poppa had a great time. I know they loved seeing him and it was great watching them all together. |
Jude and Honey! Now these two, they had themselves a blast! I love watching my mom with my son. It's very special to me. |
Jude and Bear. I'm so happy Bear was able to come in town to see us. It's always good to see him. :) |
Jude and Uncle Josh. We only saw Josh once but he's busy with his fancy new job. Congrats, buddy! |
Jude and Uncle Kyle. My brothers have been hounding me for years to have a baby, so it's funny watching them interact with their nephew. |
Jude, Kiley, Connor, Emma, Madden, and Mason. These are some of his cousins. We had a great time visiting with them! |
I was able to catch up with a few of my own cousins, which is always a good time! |
Jude and William. William took a ton of awesome photos. Thanks! |
Jude and Pa-b. Pa-b is Jude's great-grandpa and they loved each other right away! |
Jude and Nanny Dean. I may have this wrong, but I think she is Jude's great-great-aunt. She's Pa-bs sister.
Four Generations! |
It was such a fun trip! I thought for sure I would come home and have a staycation with Jude, but I had a full night of sleep (finally!!) and was ready to go run errands this morning. We're now ready for Thanksgiving!
1 comment:
LOVE IT! So thankful to be a part of this sweet and crazy family!!! -kare bear
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