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Monday, November 21, 2011

Jude's First Trip to Louisiana!

Jude and I had a fabulous time in Lafayette! John had to work out of town last week so I decided we were going to LA to visit my family. Even though I was so anxious, the airplane rides were fantastic. He slept through most of them and just sat in my lap during the other times. Jude met so many people! I forget how big my family is because I'm so used to it, but watching all the different people holding him has made me realize how big it actually is. I love my family and I wished we lived in Louisiana and this trip didn't make it easy to leave, that's for sure!

Jude and Uncle Zack. I can't believe he graduates in May!

Jude and Aunt Katie watching tv together. She was so wonderful with him. :)

Jude and Nanny Barbara. I was right, she's the perfect Godmother for him. I love you Aunt Barbara!

Jude and Aunt Kare Bear. Karie and I met when we were 12 and have been friends ever since. I can't believe we're at the point in our lives where we have families. I had a great lunch date with you, Kare Bear!

Jude and Annie. I'm happy you were able to come over and visit!

Jude and Poppa. I don't have a picture of Jude and Nana. I forgot to takes lots of pictures, some of these I borrowed from other people. Jude, Nana, and Poppa had a great time. I know they loved seeing him and it was great watching them all together.

Jude and Honey! Now these two, they had themselves a blast! I love watching my mom with my son. It's very special to me.

Jude and Bear. I'm so happy Bear was able to come in town to see us. It's always good to see him. :)

Jude and Uncle Josh. We only saw Josh once but he's busy with his fancy new job. Congrats, buddy!

Jude and Uncle Kyle. My brothers have been hounding me for years to have a baby, so it's funny watching them interact with their nephew.

Jude, Kiley, Connor, Emma, Madden, and Mason. These are some of his cousins. We had a great time visiting with them!

I was able to catch up with a few of my own cousins, which is always a good time!

Jude and William. William took a ton of awesome photos. Thanks!

Jude and Pa-b. Pa-b is Jude's great-grandpa and they loved each other right away!

Jude and Nanny Dean. I may have this wrong, but I think she is Jude's great-great-aunt. She's Pa-bs sister.

Four Generations!
It was such a fun trip! I thought for sure I would come home and have a staycation with Jude, but I had a full night of sleep (finally!!) and was ready to go run errands this morning. We're now ready for Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

ksue said...

LOVE IT! So thankful to be a part of this sweet and crazy family!!! -kare bear