John and I are starting our married life together! We're parents to a beautiful baby boy. This is our journey as we navigate parenthood and life itself!
Sunday, January 31, 2010
So Close..
So close, less than a week and this will be our view. As I am typing this I am looking up at the 18 degrees and sunny on my computer. Are you kidding me? I can't breathe it's so cold. Well, most of you already know the FBI has hired John, considering he can pass the back round check. Hopefully, that will be the easy part :) We're going on our honeymoon before he gets sent to the training academy. Again, I am so proud of my husband for his patience, his determination, and his consistent happiness. I know this has been a long, slow road for him but we have enjoyed it! I have had the most amazing year with him home and I will miss it terribly when it's over. I know he loved it as much as me but we're looking forward to what the future holds for us. But first, the honeymoon!

Sunday, January 24, 2010
Saints and Colts
Today the Colts and Saints play and we'll find out who is going to the Superbowl. We had John's parents and his aunt and uncle over for some dinner and to watch the game.
John made an excellent chicken and white bean chili. It was so yummy! I made a tortellini soup which was really good as well. Thelma brought over some dips, chips, and crackers. It was all really good food!
Saturday, January 16, 2010
OUR HONEYMOON IS BOOKED!!!! We are soooo excited!! This is the place we are staying.
http://www.palaceresorts.com/resorts/sunpalace/index.asp . The last trip John and I went on together without family was back in 2007. We are ready to relax and enjoy some "us" time. It will probably be our last vacation together for another couple of years so we wanted a Couples Only resort, i.e. No Children! Anyway, I'm just really excited and I wanted to pass on our news!
http://www.palaceresorts.com/resorts/sunpalace/index.asp . The last trip John and I went on together without family was back in 2007. We are ready to relax and enjoy some "us" time. It will probably be our last vacation together for another couple of years so we wanted a Couples Only resort, i.e. No Children! Anyway, I'm just really excited and I wanted to pass on our news!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Workin' on my fitness
I have joined a gym! Not technically yet, only because they gave us 2 free passes for 14 days, so we're using those up first. But by January 20th, I will be a real gym member. Weird right? Me? I know, I'm still reeling in it. I hate to work out. I hate gyms and anything remotely "workout-ish". I would rather sit on my butt in front of the TV, over stuffing myself on some good food. However, my thighs, stomach, and butt do not seem to motivated to metabolize it all out. Hence, I joined a gym.
Reason number 2:
The FBI finally let John know that we can go on a honeymoon! Hallelujah! It is about time! I am so excited. I also very excited because it has to be in February or very beginning of March, and that is right around the corner. I also love it because it breaks up this very depressing winter for me. We were going to go to Brazil but with ticket and hotel prices, it was outrageous. We have decided on The Sun Palace in Cancun. Not spring break Cancun, the north side of Cancun. It's a couples only resort (which we're loving, no kids!!) and it's all inclusive. It includes all meals, drinks, zip lining and other tourist attractions. I am so looking forward to it all.
Reason number 3:
I don't know if you've heard, but it's cold here. Like, bitter cold. Like, slapping you across the face cold. Single digit degrees. No sun (except for today). In one word: Depressing. I'm hoping working out will give me an outlet to get out all the sluggishness that coldness brings. I would love to come home everyday, put on my pjs, eat alot, and stay on the couch all night, but that's not gonna happen. I get bored and then I want to go out and spend money and I don't want to do that either. So now when I get bored on weekends and it's too cold to do anything, I'll go work out!
We'll see how long this lasts. Start making your bets now :)
Reason number 2:
The FBI finally let John know that we can go on a honeymoon! Hallelujah! It is about time! I am so excited. I also very excited because it has to be in February or very beginning of March, and that is right around the corner. I also love it because it breaks up this very depressing winter for me. We were going to go to Brazil but with ticket and hotel prices, it was outrageous. We have decided on The Sun Palace in Cancun. Not spring break Cancun, the north side of Cancun. It's a couples only resort (which we're loving, no kids!!) and it's all inclusive. It includes all meals, drinks, zip lining and other tourist attractions. I am so looking forward to it all.
Reason number 3:
I don't know if you've heard, but it's cold here. Like, bitter cold. Like, slapping you across the face cold. Single digit degrees. No sun (except for today). In one word: Depressing. I'm hoping working out will give me an outlet to get out all the sluggishness that coldness brings. I would love to come home everyday, put on my pjs, eat alot, and stay on the couch all night, but that's not gonna happen. I get bored and then I want to go out and spend money and I don't want to do that either. So now when I get bored on weekends and it's too cold to do anything, I'll go work out!
We'll see how long this lasts. Start making your bets now :)
Friday, January 8, 2010
So I am back to school. It was so nice having a week and a half off for the holidays. I was not in a good mood last Sunday bc I wasn't ready to go back to work. However,with that being said, these are some of the sweet faces that greeted me Monday morning. Today (being Friday) is Elvis's birthday. We celebrated by having a Sock Hop. These are just 3 of my 9 kids today but I thought this picture was just precious. We rolled our pants up and danced in our socks. We also enjoyed root beer floats. 
It's so funny how last year I was learning the whole process of being a teacher as well as learning how to handle (at most) 9 children a day. I was so stressed last year bc it was alot to handle. However this year I have gone straight into it and am loving it. There are certain things/ people I don't like about the job but just hanging out with the kids is the best! I've learned how to listen to 5 kids talking at once, playing with some kids and watching the others with my "3rd" eye. I think my kids are so funny. I can appreciate their humor now. They can be hysterical. Last year I was learning how to get comfortable with kids crawling all over me. I struggled a bit bc I wasn't used to it. This year I have 2 kids rolling around on my legs with one sitting next to me with his arms wrapped around me, and another giving kisses. I love it. I love how much they love me and are comfortable with me. Some mornings a kid comes in, crawls in my lap and falls asleep. I was thinking this week how much I missed my kids during my vacation. I find I'm very protective of them as well.
Anyway, just thought I would share my job. It's really great. Like I said, there are a few downers but for the most part I love the kids and they have become my favorite part.
Not much else is going on. John and I had a giftcard from our wedding to go out to eat that we've never used so we had a date night tonight. It was a very nice place, Maggiano's. We also went grocery shopping. It is supposed to be bitter cold this weekend so I don't have any plans to leave the house. Anyway, talk to y'all later!
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Riley's 4th Birthday!
Riley turned 4 Saturday. I can't believe our little boy is getting so old. That means we have had him for almost 4 years. That's so crazy to me!We had the Bray Christmas Saturday at our house so we thought we'd make it partially a birthday party. We had a Mexican Fiesta. John made the enchiladas and I made the tacos. We went to the dog bakery and got a few treats for Riley and Jasmine (John's sisters dog). Of course these pictures aren't in the correct order but I can't seem to ever get it right. Here is Riley enjoying his treat!
He is looking at his treat like "Hurry up and stop singing to me so I can eat!!".
Christmas 2009
Christmas was so wonderful this year! I was able to see both families. That always makes me happy. This was me and John's first married Christmas, I'm so happy he came down to Louisiana with me. I ate alot of good food and spent some quality time with the families. It was nice.
Christmas Day was spent with my mom's side of the family. The food was delicious! I ate until I hurt. John wasn't feeling to great so he missed out. We played a few hours worth of Apples to Apples. Always a good time!

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