HAPPY BIRTHDAY AUNT BARBARA, AUNT BETH, AND LINDSEY!!!! I hope ya'll have a wonderful day!!!!
This week/ weekend wasn't to exciting. John was finally home for the weekend,which I love, because I get my good breakfast. It's cold here. I mean cold! This minute it is 36 degrees and "feels like 25". I love the weather channel. If it feels like 25 degrees, then make it 25 degrees. But whatever.
We got some bad news Friday. John found out he'll be laid off Jan 14. We believe everything happens for a reason so we're trying to look at the bright side of things. As much as I don't like him to be gone, I hope he doesn't stop flying. We'll get through this one day at a time and hope for the best.

Today John decided to rake the leaves. Riley just wanted to watch. Could he get any cuter? Next weekend we are going to the Bed and Breakfast, as well as a friends wedding so we're hoping the week flys by. Last night we went to John's 15 year high school reunion (I was 10 when he graduated, haha), and it was fun. Other than that, not much going on....