It was really great. Parents got to put little "Sold" signs on their favorite art. The rest of the week was a long one. I'm not quite sure why but it dragged on. Friday I was able to have a 1/2 day of work and John and I decided to head out to Lexington, KY early. We went see my best friend Karie, her husband Reed, and their baby Reynolds for the weekend. It was a great time! Karie made my wedding invitations so I was able to pick those up as well. They are so beautiful!(which you'll see soon enough!) Of course I didn't bring my camera. That would have been a good idea! So, no pictures. It was Karie's birthday Friday and I'm so happy I got to spend it with her. We went to a great Italian restaurant. It was so good I brought my leftovers to work with me today. Reynolds will be 1 April 29th and he he too cute for words! He's so happy and social. John even said he had a great personality! If you know John, he doesn't have much to say about kids in general. I can't wait to see them again!
It's Monday and I have one more full week of work until the end of April. Next week I'm going to Louisiana (YES!!!!!!) and Wednesday my mom will be here!!!!!!! I'm so excited!!! The next 3 weeks will be amazing! I told mom she needs to come more often because as I'm typing now John is on his hands and knees cleaning the bathroom floor. He was mopping not too long ago. I love that man. :) Well, I'm happy I finally was able to blog. I hope everyone has a great week and I'll talk to you soon!