Jude and I have had a busy week. I make sure we leave the house at least once a day to ensure that we both have our social hour. We had a play date with Erin, Jackson, her friend Nina, and Nina's son Evan. Nina was super nice and will be joining us for swimming on Tuesdays.
If there is a jumperoo, Jude is in it. |
My beautiful baby |
The boys. Jude is 7 months old and Jackson and Evan are 4 months old. They are a day apart. |
BFF's |
L, her daughter Ms. S, Melissa, and Landon met us for a play date at the mall. We let the kiddos play in the fun area for awhile. A little girl, about 3 years old, kept asking if she could hold Jude and bring him around to play. I was being really nice, but finally I said "No, you may not hold him or move him around". In other words, get out of his face little girl! She finally got the hint.
Afterwards, we headed to the food court for lunch. Jude gobbled up his lunch and fell right to sleep.
Tired baby |
Today we met L and Ms. S for library time, then lunch at, where else, Chipolte.
Cutie |
Love his smile |
Jude had me cracking up at lunch today. Taking these two pictures were so hard because I couldn't stop laughing and poor Jude had no idea what was so funny. L handed him a Mum Mum to eat and Jude couldn't figure out where it went.
I'm laughing just looking at these pictures. He thought he dropped it and was looking for it. |
During the play date with Erin, Jackson would kick his legs and Jude would start cracking up. Jackson would see Jude laugh then start kicking again. It was so funny watching them "communicate". Erin started talking and that made Jude laugh. Anyway, Erin grabbed her camera to get some of it on tape.