Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
 BabyFruit Ticker

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Ok, we are up and running!! I just talked to best buy and they have to send my computer in AGAIN and I won't see it for another 2 weeks now. Thank goodness we got this one. Anyway, some pictures from vacation... This is us walking on the beach about 10 minutes before he proposed.
We stopped to look at the area where the turtle eggs were. It just so happened that John plopped down there and proposed right there. We took a picture about a minute after he asked me. It was so awesome. We had the beach behind us, we were laughing and I couldn't wait to show off the picture! Well, I accidentally deleted it. The only picture on my camera that was priceless to me got deleted. I was in tears that night. (Yes, I deleted it on he same day we got engaged).
This pic was (again) that same day and we didn't notice we posed alike until later. That was kind of funny!
We all went out for dinner that night and took family photos. Johns sister, brother-in-law, and niece had all left a few days before so they weren't in the picture, but we had a great time. I love the beach!
Thank goodness we took other pictures together that same day!! So now we have this one framed instead of the one I wish I could frame, but I won't dwell on that anymore! We're both really excited about getting married next year. Right now, we're not doing too much planning, just getting addresses together and enjoying our 3 nights a week together. Today was parent/teacher meeting day. It went really well. Parents have already started e-mailing the director to say they like me (thank goodness), so I'm happy about that. We also finally got a computer (sorry mom, not a dell : ))Other than that, just enjoying our little time together. I'll take pictures of my classroom and post that hopefully tomorrow. See you later!

1 comment:

Laurie said...

Your hair looks really good in that top pic. Glad you finally got a comp no matter what kind! Love you..