This weekend has gone by a little slower than last, thank God, but still not slow enough. Today is 5 weeks until John starts the Academy and I'm finished with work for the summer. Friday night another couple and John and I went to the Rathskeller to listen to The Polka Boys sing. They are a bunch of older, married guys who play polka music to new and old songs. It was alot of fun but completely packed! We danced until 10:30ish then headed off to bar type restaurant where we sat outside, ate salsa, and talked until midnight. It was good catching up with our friends and I can't wait to hang out with them again!
John and I at the Rathskeller.

Do you want to know my favorite part of pedicures? Other than the gorgeous toes, it's a few different things. After I get out of my car and walk towards the nail place, my cell phone goes to silent mode. I spend an hour having my feetsies pampered and loved on. I read a WHOLE magazine in peace. I don't worry at all about my husband calling to ask a question, or a friend texting with the latest work drama. It's completely stress free, my pedicurist doesn't even talk to me. There are no to-do lists to form or lessons to plan. My phone doesn't get turned on again until I am in my car. It's SO nice! So, today I got a pedi. I love the color, however you can see my flip flop tan lines. Oh well, nothing I can do about it until summer when I'm at the beach.
There isn't too much else going on here. John and I did some FBI shopping yesterday and we got him some running shoes and I ordered his sheets. It's really hard finding twin XL sheets when the 'return to college' is nowhere in the near future. But I found some great sheets that I know he will appreciate if only i can keep him from asking how much they cost. :) We're mostly done with the shopping. I can't believe it's in 5 weeks. I'm going to miss him so much but I know we'll get to see each other, hence the flexibility of me not working this summer. Riley and I will get to bond and I'll be able to see my family for longer than a weekend.
Speaking of family, Mom and Josh are coming to Indy! Mom will be here around Wednesday and Josh is driving in Friday night. I can't wait! It's been awhile since I have had family come to see us. I'm already getting a dinner list ready! John is at a movie with Bob and I'm just relaxing and will probably read or get my conference evaluations ready for next week. I hope everyone has a great week!
Love the color! Miss you and love you and thank you for your love and support. It means more than ou know!
I love you, too! I'm always here to talk :)
If you want a relaxing pedicure, don't go with your mother. She made me tense watching her twitch and fidget...haha!! Pretty color!
Christine, I am the same way!! It's relaxing but when they touch my midde toes, I start wiggling and can't stop giggling!
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