Also, some of you know about a month ago, both of our computers broke. They were both at Best Buy for a few weeks. They fixed mine, but John's couldn't be fixed so we have had one computer. Well, last night he said something was wrong with mine. Today it crashed. So, it's back at Best Buy for another 3 weeks. That's why I'm trying to get all my blogging in now because I don't know when I'll blog again. So, all in all, it's been a fun week, but also a little trying on our patience. I work next week so I'll probably blog on our next vacation in a week or so.
John and I are starting our married life together! We're parents to a beautiful baby boy. This is our journey as we navigate parenthood and life itself!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
The Vacation part 2 (you might want to read part 1 first)
Also, some of you know about a month ago, both of our computers broke. They were both at Best Buy for a few weeks. They fixed mine, but John's couldn't be fixed so we have had one computer. Well, last night he said something was wrong with mine. Today it crashed. So, it's back at Best Buy for another 3 weeks. That's why I'm trying to get all my blogging in now because I don't know when I'll blog again. So, all in all, it's been a fun week, but also a little trying on our patience. I work next week so I'll probably blog on our next vacation in a week or so.
The Vacation part 1
I am in Destin, FL right now. I added the first picture (I thought it would go to the bottom so I'll start with the first pic then go back). Anyway, the Oge' family (55 of us) all got condos on the beach. 2 of the families couldn't come but maybe next year. We are having a great time! There are so many people, yet there is always someone new I'm talking to and I finally get to see everyone.
I decided to put up this pic of my dad and Sydney b/c it's so cute. My family has 8 babies born or to be born this year. She's 5 weeks old. Monday, my Aunt Beth welcomed another grandchild. 6 of the babies have been born, now we're waiting on 2 more! There is a whole new generation beginning this year.
Going back a little bit, this was the class I had on Friday. They were so cute and the little girl, Kyra, stuck to me all day long. She wouldn't let go! But I had a great time with them. Monday morning I start all over again.
Tuesday morning, we picked John up from the airport. We spent a total of 24 hours together before he had to leave. That will be my next post. We had such a great day! We laid out and he burnt a little. He finally got to meet the family. They all (of course) LOVE John. But doesn't everyone? After he left, that's all I heard was how great he was. The family had t-shirts that were made and he was the only person not married into the family that had one. He's well liked around here!
Monday was my godchild Cameron's 9th birthday. We celebrated by going to Fudrucker's. Only about 30 people went. Haha that sounds funny b/c there are so many more people. He had gotten a Wii so I gave him a gift card to Toys-r-us so he can buy some games. I hope he had a great birthday!!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Ok, so Wed. was not very good. Let's just say me and 2 year olds do NOT mix. Mom did say there was a reason they were called the terrible two's. I went home very grumpy yesterday. So today I was with my cute little 3 year olds and in the afternoon they decided to put me with 1 year olds. I was really nervous. However, they were SO cute and are not yet into being terrible.
My last post had a picture of a little girl who was my favorite (she still is), well her little brother was in my 1 year old class today. I now have 2 favorites. They are both kind of shy, yet they have attached themselves to me, and not in an annoying way. It looks like a little backpack on his shoulders, but he broke his collarbone (ouch!) so it's a little support device for his back. My poor baby!
This is the 1 year old class. They are actually very funny (besides the snot) and I enjoyed them. So, today was a success! Tomorrow is Friday and I leave Saturday for the beach!YAY! And John will be home tonight for the 6th night in a row! And I had Chinese for dinner. Today was awesome!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008
The New Job
Hey!! I know my first day was yesterday, but I was so beyond tired, I barely got in the shower. It's been such a long time since I have felt that kind of exhaustion and didn't have 4 days off afterwards. I can't believe I have 3 more days to go. Today felt like Friday. Anyway, yesterday I was with 3 and 4 year olds. They were so fun and cute, yet very demanding. My parents used to joke that when I had kids I would run a boot camp. I think they were right. Today I was with the same 4 year olds and the kindergarden class. There is one child that I had to stop and count to ten with. Shes very clingy and aggravating. If there is such a thing as ADD, this kid is it. That's one of the things I don't like about it. However the things I do like...
is this little girl, Samantha. She is an absolute doll. She's 4 and she likes for me to read her books and hold her hand when we go anywhere. She is adorable. I looked forward to seeing her today. I brought my camera today and I told the teacher I wanted to take pictures. She actually took the pictures while i was helping Samantha paint and playing with the other kids. It's a great place to work because it is a private school so the parents are really involved.
This is during play time. Today we had messy art and kiddie yoga. I had to get in yoga positions (owww) and paint and play in water. It certainly doesn't sound like a bad place to work. I'm still getting used to kids hanging on me screaming "Ms. Michelle!!!Ms. Michelle!!!!"
So, all in all, it's not so bad, I'm still getting used to it. But I'll blog more on Friday!

Monday, July 14, 2008
Wedding and BBq
This weekend was very busy for John and I. Saturday night we went to a wedding (our first as a couple) and we had a great time. The wedding was in an old theatre and it was absolutely beautiful! The reception was also fun. John doesn't like to dance so I danced a few times with John's friends. They didn't play any slow songs. 
Sunday was the BBQ. We had about 20 or so people who showed up. Some unexpectedly, but that was ok we were more than prepared. John spent all day cleaning the garage to perfection (which it was!!) and I stayed inside where it was cooler and cooked and cleaned the house.
I made a crawfish dip for the BBQ, but i decided I didn't like the taste of it on crackers so I made some rice and mixed it together and made a crawfish casserole. It was a hit and was gone shortly after I put it out.
I forgot to take pics so these 2 are at the end when some people had already left.
We had 2 expecting moms and 3 moms with kids so they laid out a blanket and played. We really had a good time and everything went off without a hitch. John kicked butt on the grilling. Those hamburgers were incredible!
Now, for my first day at work....I'll let ya'll know!

Now, for my first day at work....I'll let ya'll know!
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Clipped Wings
Yesterday I clipped my wings. I'm going between being excited and a little depressed. I hate passengers, broken airplanes, bad weather, and always being exhausted. However, I love my pilots, the schedule with tons of days off, the freedom, the independence, everyday being different. I love who I am when the uniform comes on. I feel like I'm losing a little piece of myself by quitting. But, I'm also gaining certain aspects of myself that I lost when I became a flight attendant. It's a little weird, so I'm still determining how I feel about it.
Yesterday, being my last day, was a nightmare (of course). We got to the airport in Norfolk at 7am. Our airplane was broken and we were stuck there for 7 hours. This pic was taken by my first officer.
The Captain is in the backround, ruining my picture : )
This is our airplane.
Me and my first officer, Don, cutting up. These are the things I'm going to miss. Your stuck with the same people for 4 days straight. You become a little tightnit group. You deal with everything together. I always had someone to back me up and vise versa. I'm really going to miss that.
I tok this picture while sitting in my jumpseat. This is my view(except this is a little lower than normal) and yes there are people on the airplane. I took this after we landed. We finally got to leave at 2:30pm to go to Miami. We were stuck in Miami for another 3 hours bdfore we took a mainline flight back to STL. We got to sit in first class and eat a nice meal. WE got in a 10pm (we were supposed to be done at 2) and I had to sleep in the crew room because it was too late to get to Indy. I finally got on the first flight to Indy today and got home at about noon. One of my favorite pilots was the captain going to Indy so I got to hang out with him and tell him bye. That was awesome. So, anyway, Monday I am offically a pre-school teacher. This should be interesting....
Also, the last post was by John!
Yesterday, being my last day, was a nightmare (of course). We got to the airport in Norfolk at 7am. Our airplane was broken and we were stuck there for 7 hours. This pic was taken by my first officer.

Also, the last post was by John!
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Our House
I haven't done a blog yet about our house in Indy. It's 2 and 1/2 years old. John bought it when we first met. 2 and 1/2 years ago I actually got to pick out the appliances. I was very excited about that : ) Anyway, it is slowly but surely going from a scary all beige house to a very colorful house.
This is the front of the house. The Purdue flag is in the garden. (That's where John graduated college from). The 2 chairs on the porch are the most comfortable chairs we own. We spend many evening hours out here.
This is the kitchen. John is a huge fan of putting any and everything on the refrigerator. I have taken alot off and it still looks like this. The table and chairs were passed down to my mom from my great grandparents. My mom is letting John and I use them . She and I recovered the chairs. They came out really awesome and we are constantly getting compliments on them. Many hours and many stores later, we settled on the tablecloth. My favorite is the space. I LOVE a large kitchen! I like cooking and having people hang out in the kitchen. I think that's a southern thing : )
This is the front door mat. I fell in love with it the second I saw it. People laugh when they see it, but I guess they just don't get the hint.
This is the living room. Again, color is slowly being added. Behind where I took this picture are the stairs that lead upstairs.
This is the guest bedroom. The bed and bedding are all from IKEA. My personal favorite store. There is a dresser and small table but the camera couldn't pick up everything. There is also a wine room, office, master bedroom, and laundry room. More pics will come later. John and I decided to paint the office so I'll blog that when that happens. Right now we're working on sorting out the garage and fixing up the backyard. We volunteered our house next weekend for the neighborhood Bar-B-Que so I'll keep you updated on that. It was either our house or some vacant lot and I wasn't for that at all. Well, it's my day off before I fly my last trip tomorrow. I'm a little sad but also happy. I like new beginnings.

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