We are home after traveling for two and a half weeks. It was such an awesome trip. I wasn't really ready to come back, but not much we can do about that. Jude was fantastic and seemed to really enjoy himself. He was such a trooper and I couldn't be more happy with our trip.
Headed to Lafayette! He was so wonderful on the flights there. |
Landing in Lafayette. |
We spent the majority of the mornings with my mom and the afternoons/evening with my dad's side. It seemed to work out well.
Playing at Pa-b's. |
Jude's first time at Antler's!! We ate there 3 days in a row. I couldn't get enough of it. |
Jude and his cousin, Kiley, playing. |
My parents kept Jude one night so I could attend a hamburger cook off benefit for a cousin. Here is my crawfish etouffee' hamburger. It was delicious!! |
Aunt Kuku and Jude playing. |
Katie and I hit up Meche's one morning. Jude was thinking about a donut, but Momma intervened. |
Lunch with my godchild, Cameron. |
Jude, Nanny, and Cameron at Izzo's. |
Lunch. It was so yummy! |
Boiled crawfish night. Once again, Jude stayed with my dad so Linda, Aunt Barbara, and I could get our grub on. |
Uncle Zack has a pressure washer business and wrote Jude's name on the driveway. |
Lafayette was a great time! Also, not pictured is my brothers high school graduation and my sisters 8th grade graduation. I am so proud of them!
Jude, Mom, and I drove 10 hours to St. Louis to spend a few days there. Jude did really well on the drive. :) Mom may claim that I yelled at her, but she's mistaken. ;)
Jude trying to figure out the walker. |
Grocery shopping |
He thinks his momma is funny. |
Trying to push up into the crawl position. |
Bear, Jude, and Bijeux playing. |
Silly boy :) |
Look at all those teeth! #7 and #8 are still trying to make their way in. |
After St. Louis, Mom drove us halfway to Indy where we met up with the Brays who drove us the rest of the way. John flew in that Friday as well. Our niece, Rachel, graduated high school. We're so proud of her! We had a great time in Indy, but as usual, it's never enough time.
He figured how to push himself under the couch. |
"Another road trip, Mom?" |
Celebrating Daddy's birthday at one of our favorite restaurants in Indy. |
Time to go home!
John and I needed reinforcements during our layover. |
Once again Jude was really good, especially for barely napping during the day. We are so proud of how amazing he dealt with all the traveling.
Playing during our Denver layover. |
Jude went to bed at 7pm that night and was up at 5:00am. We know the time change had alot to do with it so we didn't mind. He fell back asleep for a nap at 9am and we woke him at 1pm! Sleepy boy!!
Now, we're back home and trying to get back into the swing of things. We were busy everyday during our trip and now I'm kind of at a loss on how to fill our days. We went swimming today and had a great time. Thankfully there is one more day until John is home for the weekend!
1 comment:
Miss yall already!!
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